Sniðmáts breytur - Template Variables

Breytt Wed, 31 Jan, 2024 kl 9:25 AM

Hér fyrir neðan má sjá lista af sniðmáts breytum (template variables). Þær má nota til að sækja upplýsingar um bókanir og fylla inn í texta.
Afritið þær einsog þær eru skráðar (með hornklofa og hástöfum). 

1 Property Variables

[PROPERTYNAME] - property name

[PROPERTYADDRESS] - property address

[PROPERTYCITY] - property city

[PROPERTYSTATE] - property state

[PROPERTYCOUNTRY] - property country

[PROPERTYEMAIL] - property email

[PROPERTYWEB] - property web site

[PROPERTYPHONE] - property phone

[PROPERTYFAX] - property fax

[PROPERTYCONTACTLASTNAME] - property contact last name

[PROPERTYCONTACTFIRSTNAME] - property contact first name

[PROPERTYID] - property id number

[PROPERTYPOSTCODE] - property post code

[PROPERTYCURRENCY] - property currency code

[PROPERTYCURRENCYFRONT] - property currency symbol before the number

[PROPERTYCURRENCYBACK] - property currency symbol after the number

[PROPERTYLATITUDE] - property latitude

[PROPERTYLONGITUDE] - property longitude

[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTION] - property location description

[PROPERTYLOCATIONDESCRIPTIONBR] - property location description with line break


[PROPERTYHEADLINE] - property headline

[PROPERTYDESCRIPTION] - property description

[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICY] - property rental policy

[PROPERTYGENERALPOLICYBR] - property rental policy with line break

[PROPERTYLEGALPOLICY] - property rental policy / obsolete

[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICY] - property cancellation policy

[PROPERTYCANCELPOLICYBR] - property cancellation policy with line breaks



[PROPERTYTEMPLATE1] - Property Template 1

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE2] - Property Template 2

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE3] - Property Template 3

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE4] - Property Template 4

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE5] - Property Template 5

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE5] - Property Template 6

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE7] - Property Template 7

[PROPERTYTEMPLATE8] - Property Template 8



[PERMITID] - the permit ID

[CHECKINSTART] - check-in start time in 24hr format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')

[CHECKINEND] - check-in end time in 24hr format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')

[CHECKOUTEND] - check-out end time in 24hr format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')

[CHECKINSTART12] - check-in start time in am/pm format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in start')

[CHECKINEND12] - check-in end time in am/pm format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-in end')

[CHECKOUTEND12] - check-out end time in am/pm format (From  (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > PROPERTY CONTENT 'Check-out end')











[PROPERTYGROUP] - shows the group keywords

2 Room Variables

[ROOMID] - room id number

[ROOMNAME] - room names of all booked rooms (not for canceled bookings use ROOMNAMEINC if used for canceled bookings)

[ROOMNAMEBR] - room names with line break

[ROOMNAMEINC] room names of all booked rooms including for canceled bookings

[ROOMNAMEINCBR] room names with line break

[ROOMNAME1] - room name of first booked room

[ROOMNAMES] - room names including the quantity of each booked room

[ROOMNAMESNC] - room names including quantity of each booked room without canceled rooms

[ROOMNAMESBR] - room names with line break

[ROOMNAMESNCBR] room names with line break without cancelled rooms

[ROOMNAMEOFFER] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name

[ROOMNAMEOFFERBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break

[ROOMNAMEOFFERINC] room names of all booked rooms with offer name inkl. cancelled bookings

[ROOMNAMEOFFERINCBR] - room names of all booked rooms with offer name with line break

[ROOMTYPEDESC] - room accommodation type first booked room

[ROOMTYPEDESCS] - room accommodation type all booked rooms

[ROOMTYPEDESCSINC] - room accommodation type all booked rooms including cancelled bookings

[ROOMSIZE] - size of the room









[ROOMMETAAUXTEXT] - room meta text setting for first booked room

[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTS] - room meta text setting for all booked rooms

[ROOMMETAAUXTEXTSINC] - room auxiliary text setting for all booked rooms

[INTERNALROOMNAME] - internal room name as used in the control panel, this is not the translated room name shown on the booking page

[OFFERID] - ID of the boked offer

[OFFERNAME] - booked offer name for all booked rooms

[OFFERNAME1] - offer name for this booked room only

[OFFERNAMEINC] - offer name for this booked room only inluding cancelled bookings

[OFFERDESCRIPTION1] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms

[OFFERDESCRIPTION1INC] - offer description 1 for all booked rooms inkl. cancelled

[OFFERDESCRIPTION2] - offer description 2 for all booked rooms

[OFFERDESCRIPTION2INC] - offer description 2 for all booked rooms inkl. cancelled

[OFFERDESCRIPTION1-1] - offer description 1 for this booked room

[OFFERDESCRIPTION2-1] - offer description 2 for this booked room

[OFFERSUMMARY] - summary offers

[OFFERSUMMARYINC] - summary offers including cancelled bookings

[UNITNAME] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown)

[UNITNAMEINC] - unit names of all the assigned room types in the booking group including cancelled bookings

[UNITNAME:1] - additional information about the unit for all the assigned room types in the booking group (cancelled bookings are not shown)

[UNITNAME1] - unit name of the assigned room for this booking number

[UNITNAME1:1] - additional information about the assigned room for this booking number / add the additional information on each line after a | symbol where you set the unit names

[UNITSTATUS1] - the status if the unit



[LEAVINGDAYAVAIL] - returns yes or no, can be used to trigger an Auto Action






3 Booking Variables

[VIEWBOOKING] - create a URL to log into the control panel and view this booking (for hosts, not intended to be sent to guests)

[BOOKID] - booking reference number

[BOOKIDS] - booking reference numbers of all bookings in a group

[BOOKIDSINC] - booking reference of all bookings in a group including cancelled bookings

[GROUPID] - booking reference of the master booking

[REFERENCENUMBER] - booking reference (same as [BOOKID])

[BOOKIDLAST1] - Last 1 digit of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST2] - Last 2 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST3] - Last 3 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST4] - Last 4 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST5] - Last 5 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST6] - Last 6 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST7] - Last 7 digits of booking number

[BOOKIDLAST8] - Last 8 digits of booking number

[BEDDING] - displays bedding info codes

[RANDOM1] - a 1 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM2] - a 2 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM3] - a 3 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM4] - a 4 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM5] - a 5 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM6] - a 6 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM7] - a 7 digit random number seeded from the booking number

[RANDOM8] - a 8 digit random number seeded from the booking number

3.1 Content from "Info" tab

[BOOKINGINFOITEMS] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text

[BOOKINGINFOITEMSBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break

[BOOKINGINFOTEXTS] - Booking Info Codes - Text only

[BOOKINGINFOTEXTSBR] Booking Info Codes - Text only with line break

[BOOKINGINFOCODES] - Booking Info Codes - Codes only

[BOOKINGINFOCODESBR] - Booking Info Codes - Codes and text with line break

[BOOKINGINFOCODETEXT:infoCode] - the most recent Text value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this example

[BOOKINGINFOCODEDATE:infoCode]- the most recent date value of the specified Booking Info Code, "infoCode" in this example, supports custom date/time formats {%A, %e %B, %Y} after the infoCode

[INTERNALNOTES] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab

[INTERNALNOTESBR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with line break

[INTERNALNOTESHR] - content from "Internal Notes" on the Info Tab with separating line

3.2 Content from "Summary" tab see also under "Room" and "Property"

[STATUS] - status of booking

[SUBSTATUS] - sub status of the booking

[FIRSTNIGHT] - first night booked

[FIRSTNIGHTSHORT] - first night booked in 1 Apr 2016 format

[FIRSTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DD] - first night booked in YYYY-MM-DD format

[LASTNIGHT] - last night booked

[LASTNIGHTSHORT] - last night booked in 1 Apr 2016 format

[LASTNIGHTYYYY-MM-DD] - last night booked in YYYY-MM-DD format

[LEAVINGDAY] - check-out day

[LEAVINGDAYSHORT] - check-out day in 1 Apr 2016 format

[LEAVINGDAYYYYY-MM-DD] - check-out day in YYYY-MM-DD format

[NUMNIGHT] - number of nights

[NUMNIGHTS] - number of nights sum across group booking

[NUMNIGHTSINC] - number of nights sum across group booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTTITLE] - guest title on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTFIRSTNAME] - first name on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTNAME] - last name on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTNAMES] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTNAMESINC] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings

[GUESTNAMESINCBR] - name of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled bookings with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTFULLNAME] - title, first name, last name on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTFULLNAMES] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTFULLNAMESBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTFULLNAMESINC] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTFULLNAMESINCBR] - titles, first names, last names of all guests in the booking with line break on the "summary" tab of the booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTCOMMENTS] - comments in the booking

[GUESTCOMMENTSBR] - comments in the booking with line breaks

[NOTES] - notes

[NOTESBR] - notes with line breaks

[GUESTARRIVALTIME] - arrival time

[NUMADULT] - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMADULTINC if used for cacelled bookings)

[NUMADULTINC] - number of adults in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings

[NUMADULT1] - number of adults in this room

[NUMCHILD] - number of children in this room or in group if master booking (not for cancelled bookings use NUMCHILDINC if used for cacelled bookings)

[NUMCHILDINC] number of children in this room or in group if master booking including cancelled bookings

[NUMCHILD1] - number of children in this room

[NUMPEOPLE] - number of guests in this room or in group if master booking

[NUMPEOPLEINC] - number of guests in this room or in group if master booking incl. cancelled bookings

[NUMPEOPLE1] - number of people in this room

[GUESTPHONE] - guests phone number

[GUESTPHONENUM] - guests phone number with all non-numeric characters removed

[GUESTMOBILE] - guests mobile number

[GUESTMOBILENUM] - guests mobile number with all non-numeric characters removed

[PHONELAST1] - last digit of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[PHONELAST2] - last 2 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[PHONELAST3] - last 3 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[PHONELAST4] - last 4 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[PHONELAST5] - last 5 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[PHONELAST6] - last 6 digits of the guests phone number if guest phone is empty it will use the guests mobile number

[GUESTCOMPANY] - company name

[GUESTCOMPANYBR] - company name with line breaks

[GUESTFAX] - guests fax number

[GUESTFAXNUM] - guests fax number with all non-numeric characters removed

[GUESTADDRESS] - guests address

[GUESTADDRESSBR] - guests address with line breaks

[GUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - guests address with line breaks incl. cancelled bookings

[GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode

[GUESTCITY] - guests city

[GUESTSTATE] - guests state

[GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list

[GUESTCOUNTRYHL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in hosts language

[GUESTCOUNTRYGL] - guests country from free text field is not empty, otherwise from selector list in guests language

[GUESTCOUNTRYSELECT] - guests country from selector list

[GUESTCOUNTRYSELECTHL] - guests country from selector list in hosts language

[GUESTCOUNTRYSELECTGL] - guests country from selector list in guests language

[GUESTCOUNTRYTEXT] - guests country from free text field

[GUESTCOUNTRY2] - guests country from selector list as two letter code

3.3 Content from "Details" tab

[MESSAGE] - the content of the booking message field

[MESSAGEBR] - the content of the booking message field with line breaks

[GUESTCUSTOMQ1] - answer to custom question 1

[GUESTCUSTOMQ2] - answer to custom question 2

[GUESTCUSTOMQ3] - answer to custom question 3

[GUESTCUSTOMQ4] - answer to custom question 4

[GUESTCUSTOMQ5] - answer to custom question 5

[GUESTCUSTOMQ6] - answer to custom question 6

[GUESTCUSTOMQ7] - answer to custom question 7

[GUESTCUSTOMQ8] - answer to custom question 8

[GUESTCUSTOMQ9] - answer to custom question 9

[GUESTCUSTOMQ10] - answer to custom question 10

[REFERENCE] - content of the booking reference field

[NUMROOM] - the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only)

[NUMROOMS] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types)

[NUMROOMSINC] - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) inc. cancelled

[FLAG] - Flag

[STATUSCODE] - 'Status Code' (Under tab 'Detail'. Can be a value between 0-100.)

[ORIGINALREFERRER] - Original referrer

[REFERRER] - Referrer

[APIREF] - the booking number at the originating channel

[APISOURCETEXT] - human readable name of the channel

[BOOKINGDATE] - booking date

[BOOKINGTIMEDATE] - booking date and time

[BOOKINGDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - booking date in YYYY-MM-DD format

[BOOKINGIP] - ip address of booker's computer

[APIMESSAGE] - api message sent by originating channel

3.4 Content from "Charges and Payments" tab (also see "Invoice/Invoicee/Room")

[BOOKINGINVOICEEID] - invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items

[RATEDESC] - rate description (in the booking popup under the tab 'Charges & Payments')

[RATEDESCBR] - name of the rate with HTML <BR> to force new lines

[PRICE] - Value in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) with currency symbol

[PRICENC] - Value in price field (number entered in the price field of the booking) without currency symbol (do not use in calculations, use PRICENUM)

[PRICE:10%] - Percentage value of Price

[PRICE:-10] - Price with offset amount

[PRICENUM] - As per [PRICE] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).

[PRICENUM:] - As per [PRICE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[PRICELESSCOMMISSION] - Value in price field less value in commission field with currency symbol

[PRICELESSCOMMISSIONNUM] - As per [PRICELESSCOMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[PRICELESSTAX] - Value in price field less value in tax field with currency symbol

[PRICELESSTAXNUM] - As per [PRICELESSTAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[AVPRICE] - Average Nightly Price with currency symbol

[AVPRICENUM] - Average Nightly Price with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[AVPRICE:20%] - Percentage value of Average Nightly Price

[AVPRICE:15] - Average Nightly Price with offset amount

[BASEPRICE] - Lodging Price

[BASEPRICENUM] - same as [BASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[BASEGROUPPRICE] - Lodging Price for Group

[BASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as BASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[BASEVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount

[BASEVATNUM] - same as [BASEVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[BASEGROUPVAT] - Lodging Price vat amount for Group

[BASEGROUPVATNUM] - same as BASEGROUPVAT] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[AVBASEPRICE] - Average Nightly Lodging Price

[AVBASEPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[AVBASEGROUPPRICE] Average Nightly Lodging Price for Group

[AVBASEGROUPPRICENUM] - same as [AVBASEGROUPPRICE] with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[DEPOSIT] - Value in deposit field with currency symbol

[DEPOSITNUM] - As per [DEPOSIT] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[TAX] - Value in tax field with currency symbol

[TAXNUM] - As per [TAX] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation).

[COMMISSION] - Value in commission field with currency symbol

[COMMISSIONNUM] - As per [COMMISSION] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator and no currency symbols (for calculation)

[COMMISSIONGROUP] - Value of the commission of the complete group booking

[GUESTVOUCHER] - voucher code used with booking

[CARDLASTFOUR] - last 4 digits of card

[CARDFIRSTSIX] - first 6 digits of card

3.5 Content from Invoice" tab

[BOOKINGINVOICEEID] - invoicee id assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items

[BOOKINGINVOICEENAME] - invoicee name assigned to this booking, this comes from the booking invoicee setting, not from the bookings invoice items

3.6 Content from "Group Invoice" tab

[GROUPNOTE] - group note

3.7 Content from "Mail & Actions" tab

[GUESTEMAIL] - guest's Email address on the "summary" tab of the booking

[GUESTLANGUAGE] - guest language

[EMAIL:00] - Status of an Auto Action email. Replace 00 with the number of the Auto Action. This shows if the email has been sent and if so, the time it was sent.

3.8 Content from "Guests" tab

[GUESTSID] - all IDs of this booking

[GUESTSID1] - ID of the first guest

[GUESTSIDS] - all IDs for all bookings in the group

[GUESTSNAME] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking

[GUESTSNAMES] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking

[GUESTSNAMESINC] - name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of the booking of the group booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTSFIRSTNAMES] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking last separated by an &

[GUESTSFIRSTNAMESINC] - first name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTSLASTNAMES] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking

[GUESTSLASTNAMESINC] - last name of all guests listed on the "guests" tab of this booking incl. cancelled

[GUESTSADDRESSSBR1] - address of the first guest on the "guests" tab of this booking group

[GUESTSADDRESSSBR1INC] - address of the first guest on the "guests" tab of this booking group incl. cancelled

3.9 Cancellation, Management and Guest Login

[CANCELURL] - URL to view and cancel bookings

[CANCELDATE] - date until when the booking is cancellable displaying a phrase

[CANCELDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - date until when the booking is cancellable displaying a date. If the date is in the past 00-00-0000 will be shown

[DAYSTOCANCEL] - number of days until booking can be cancelled / Anzahl der Tage bis zu denen stroniert werden kann

[GUESTLOGIN] - URL to view bookings

[TURNOVERDAYS] - days until next arrival into the same unit.

4 Date and Time

Many date template variables support PHP strftime format strings between {} brackets to create custom date formats.

[CURRENTDATE] - current date

[CURRENTDATEYYYY-MM-DD] - current date in YYYY-MM-DD format

[CURRENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - current date

[CURRENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[CURRENTTIME] - current time and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[CURRENTTIME:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[DAYSTOCHECKIN] - number of days until check-in

[INADVANCE] - number of days between booking and check-in

[DAYSBETWEEN:2019-11-01:2019-11-10] - this template variable will calculate the number of days between the :: the dates need to be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Template variables can be used for calculation.

Example: [[DAYSBETWEEN:[FIRSTNIGHT:+5 days{%G-%m-%d}]:[CURRENTDATE:{%G-%m-%d}]] will calculate the days between 5 days after check-in and today.

[FIRSTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - first night booked

[FIRSTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[LASTNIGHT:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - last night booked

[LASTNIGHT:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[LEAVINGDAY:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - check-out

[LEAVINGDAY:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[BOOKINGDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - booking date

[BOOKINGDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[MODIFYDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - last booking modification date/time, the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

[PAYMENTDATE:{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - most recent payment date

[PAYMENTDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}:1:1000] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string. The second parameter specifies the payment to show, 0 or missing means the most recent payment. The third parameter specifies the invoicee.

[FORMATDATE:[any template variable that creates a date]{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - format the date in the strftime format. The date value could be included by inserting a different template variable containing a date.

5 Booking Group variables

5.1 Custom Booking Group Table

create your own booking group list by specifying the columns in the order you want them to appear.


column parameters

100% = 100% width

ADDR = Booking address

ADUL= the number of adults

ARIV = Arrival date

BOPR = Bold prices

BREF = Booking number

CITY = Booking city

CHAC = Charges with currency symbol

CHAR = Charges

CHIL = Number of children

COUN = Booking country

DEPT = Departure date

EMAI = Booking Email

EXSP = extra space between rows

FLAG = Booking flag text

FNAM = Booking first name

GADD = Guest address

GCIT = Guest city

GCOM = Guest company

GCOU = Guest country

GFLA = Guest flag text

GFNA = Guest first name

GLNA = Guest last name

GMOB = Guest mobile

GNAM = Guest full name

GEMA = Guest Email

GNOT = Guest note

GPOS = Guest postcode

GREF = Guest Id

GSTA = Guest state

GTEL = Guest phone

ICAN = Include cancelled bookings

LNAM = Booking last name

MOBI = Booking mobile

NAME = Booking full name

NOHE = no header

NOTE = Booking note

ONAM = Offer Name

ONLY = Just show the one booking

PAIC = Payment amount with currency symbol

PAID = Paid amount

PEOP = Number of guests

PHON = Booking phone

POST = Booking postcode

PROP = Property name


RDE1 = Room description 1 from  (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES> ROOMS > SETUP

RNAM = Room Display Name

ROOM = Room name

STAT = Booking state

STUS = Status

TOTA = Total price

UNI2 = Unit first additional information

UNI3 = Unit second additional information

UNIT = Unit name

Connect the parameters with an underscore.


[BOOKGROUP:PROP_ROOM_BREF_NAME] will display the property name, room name, booking number and guest name in this order.

[BOOKGROUP:BREF_NAME_PROP_ROOM] will display the booking number, guest name property name and room name in this order.

5.2 Booking Group Table with fixed content

[BOOKGROUPROOMLIST] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking

[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type for a group booking with guest totals

[BOOKGROUPROOMLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and charge for a group booking with guest totals

[BOOKGROUPNAMELIST] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking

[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit for a group booking with guest totals

[BOOKGROUPNAMELISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including room type and unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals

[BOOKGROUPUNITLIST] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking

[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTTOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit for a group booking with guest totals

[BOOKGROUPUNITLISTCHARGETOTAL] - create a table of guest names including unit and charge for a group booking with guest totals

6 Invoice Variables

[INVOICENUMBER] - invoice number

[INVOICENUMBERS] - invoice number if invoicees are involved

[INVOICEDATE] - invoice date

[INVOICEDATE:+1day{%A, %e %B, %Y}] - optional date offset and display format. The offset can be any plus or minus any number of days and the display can be any valid PHP strftime format string.

6.1 Invoice Values

These template variables will display a value form the invoice.

6.1.1 Custom Invoice Values

You have the option to create a custom invoice variable to display a value from an invoice. Available content variables are:

CHA - charges

CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234

DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language

DP0 - no decimal places

DP1 - 1 decimal place

DP2 - 2 decimal places

DP3 - 3 decimal places

DP4 - 4 decimal places

DESsome description - sum of values with "some description"

INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking

IT1 - item 1 in the invoice

IT2 - item 2 in the invoice

IT3 - item 3 in the invoice

IT4 - item 4 in the invoice

IT5 - item 5 in the invoice

MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2

NUM - show with decimal place (for scripts)

THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language

UPS1 - upsell 1

UPS2 - upsell 2

UPS3 - upsell 3

UPS4 - upsell 4

UPS5 - upsell 5

ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)

PAY - shows payments

QTY - shows quantity

SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.

SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.

VAT - VAT summary

Connect the variables with an underscore.


[INVOICEVAL:PAY_THO] will show payments with a thousands separator

[INVOICEVAL:UPS1_UPS1] will show the sum of upsell 1 and upsell 2

6.1.2 Standard Invoice Values

[INVOICEBALANCE] - invoice balance

[INVOICEBALANCE:50%] - percentage of invoice balance

[INVOICEBALANCE:-100] - invoice balance with offset amount

[INVOICEBALANCENUM] - As per [INVOICEBALANCE] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEBALANCENUM:] - As per [INVOICEBALANCE:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPARTBALANCE:status1,status2,!status4:10%] - Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status and apply optional multiplier or offset. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1. The offset is optional and can be specified after a second colon (:) and it can be a percentage by ending the number with the percent (%) symbol or a numeric value offset.

[INVOICEPARTBALANCENUM:status1,status2,status4:10%] - As per INVOICEPARTBALANCE but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEBALANCE1] - invoice balance of one booking only, not the booking group

[INVOICEBALANCE1NUM] - As per [INVOICEBALANCE1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICECHARGES] - invoice sum of all charges

[INVOICECHARGES:50%] - invoice sum of all charges with percentage multiplier

[INVOICECHARGES:-100] - invoice sum of all charges with offset

[INVOICECHARGESNUM] - As per [INVOICECHARGES] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICECHARGESNUM:] - As per [INVOICECHARGES:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICEPARTCHARGES:status1,status2,!status4:10%] - Calculate the balance of all invoice charges with matching status and apply optional multiplier or offset. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1. The offset optional and can be specified after a second colon (:) and it can be a percentage by ending the number with the percent (%) symbol or a numeric value offset.

[INVOICEPARTCHARGESNUM:status1,status2,status4:10%] - As per INVOICEPARTCHARGES but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPAYMENTS] - invoice sum of all payments

[INVOICEPAYMENTS:50%] - invoice sum of all payments with percentage multiplier

[INVOICEPAYMENTS:-100] - invoice sum of all payments with offset

[INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM] - As per [INVOICEPAYMENTS] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICEPAYMENTSNUM:50%] - As per [INVOICEPAYMENTS:50%] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEPARTPAYMENTS:status1,status2,!status4:10%] - Calculate the balance of all invoice payments with matching status and apply optional multiplier or offset. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1. The offset optional and can be specified after a second colon (:) and it can be a percentage by ending the number with the percent (%) symbol or a numeric value offset.

[INVOICEPARTPAYMENTSNUM:status1,status2,status4:10%] - As per INVOICEPARTCHARGES but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAY] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed

[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAY1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)

[INVOICEPENDPAYNUM1234] - all (auto and manual) pending payments including failed for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee) The value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO] - auto pending payments before due date

[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM] - auto pending payments before due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTO1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)

[INVOICEPENDPAYAUTONUM1234] auto pending payments before due date for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)

[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL] - failed pending payments (all also past)

[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM] - failed pending payments (all also past) but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICEPENDPAYFAIL234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)

[INVOICEPENDPAYFAILNUM234] - failed pending payments (all also past) for the specified invoicee but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation) (-1 will include all items regardless of invoicee)

[INVOICEPENDPAYRULE1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number)

[INVOICEPENDPAYRULENUM1] - shows all pending payment for this rule (exchange 1 for the rule number) displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUAL] - manual pending payments

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNUM] - manual pending payments but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNOTDUE] manual pending payments before due date

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALNOTDUENUM] manual pending payments before due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation).

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALOVERDUE] manual pending payments after due date

[INVOICEPENDPAYMANUALOVERDUENUM] manual pending payments after due date but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICECREDITS] - invoice sum of all credit items (negative items)

[INVOICECREDITS:50%] - invoice sum of all credit items with percentage multiplier

[INVOICECREDITS:-100] - invoice sum of all credit items with offset

[INVOICECREDITSNUM] - As per [INVOICECREDITS] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICECREDITSNUM:] - As per [INVOICECREDITS:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculation)

[INVOICEDEBITS] - invoice sum of all debit items (positive items)

[INVOICEDEBITS:50%] - invoice sum of all debit items with percentage multiplier

[INVOICEDEBITS:-100] - invoice sum of all debit items with offset

[INVOICEDEBITSNUM] - As per [INVOICEDEBITS] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations) (for calculations)

[INVOICEDEBITSNUM:] - As per [INVOICEDEBITS:] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEVAT] - invoice sum of all vat value

[INVOICEVATNUM] - invoice sum of all vat value for calculations)

[INVOICEFIRSTITEM] - price of the item listed first in the invoice

[INVOICEFIRSTITEMNUM] - price of the item listed first in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICESECONDITEM] - price of the item listed second in the invoice

[INVOICESECONDITEMNUM] - price of the item listed second in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICETHIRDITEM] - price of the item listed third in the invoice

[INVOICETHIRDITEMNUM] - price of the item listed third in the invoice but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEUPSELL0] - base price without upsell items or other charges added later

[INVOICEUPSELLNUM0] - as per [INVOICEUPSELL1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEUPSELL1] - value of upsell item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)

[INVOICEUPSELLNUM1] - as per [INVOICEUPSELL1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEUPSELLQTY1] - quantity of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)

[INVOICEUPSELLHEADLINE1] - headline of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)

[INVOICEUPSELLDESCRIPTION1] - description of upsell item 1 (number can be between 1 to 20)

[INVOICEUPSELLAMOUNTNUM1] - amout of upsell item 1

[INVOICEUPSELLTYPE1] - type of upsell item 1

[INVOICEUPSELLPER1] - per of upsell item 1

[INVOICEUPSELLPERIOD1] - period of upsell item 1

[INVOICEEXTRAITEMDESC1] - Name of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20)

[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - value of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.

[INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] - value of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.

[INVOICEEXTRAITEMNUM1] - as per [INVOICEEXTRAITEM1] but the value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations).

[INVOICEEXTRAITEMQTY1] - quantity of extra invoice item 1 (number can be between 0 to 20) Note: the order goes by the order in the dropdown list not by the order the items are entered.

[INVOICEGROSS:1] - gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

INVOICEGROSSNUM:1] gross amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)

[INVOICENET:1] - net amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)

[INVOICENETNUM:1] - net amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEVAT:1] - VAT amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate)

[INVOICEVATNUM:1] VAT amount of the inserted VAT rate (number is the VAT rate), value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEITEMBYDESC:Searchterm] - searches the invoice for items with this search term and adds them up

[INVOICEITEMBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the invoice for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESC:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up

[INVOICEPAYMENTBYDESCNUM:Searchterm] - searches the payments for items with this search term and adds them up, value is displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator (for calculations)

6.2 Invoice Table

These template varibles will display an invoice table.

6.2.1 Standard Invoice Tables

[INVOICETABLE] - invoice table

[INVOICETABLEVAT] - invoice table with vat information and vat summary

[INVOICETABLE:$1.1$] - invoice table and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEPART:status1,status2,!status4] - Invoice table showing only items with matching status. The status items can be a comma separated list. To exclude status items prefix them with an exclamation mark, for example !status1.

[INVOICETABLE2] - invoice table with status field

[INVOICETABLE2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLECHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only

[INVOICETABLECHARGESINVOICEE1234] - invoice table showing charges only assigned to the specified invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.

[INVOICETABLENOTOT] - invoice table without grand total

[INVOICETABLENOTOT:$1.1$] - invoice table without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLENOTOT2] - invoice table with status field without grand total

[INVOICETABLENOTOT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with status field without grand total and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVAT:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary

[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACT:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary

[INVOICETABLEVATCOMPACTNOSUM:$1.1$] - compact version of invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary

[INVOICETABLEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary

[INVOICETABLEDATEVATNOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and date without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVAT2] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary

[INVOICETABLEVAT2:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field and vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary

[INVOICETABLEVAT2NOSUM:$1.1$] - invoice table with vat information and status field without vat summary and currency multiplier with optional new currency symbol before or after price.

[INVOICETABLEVATCHARGES] - invoice table showing charges only with vat information and vat summary

[INVOICETABLENOPRICE] - invoice table with no price information

[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE] - invoice table excluding items assigned to an invoicee.

[INVOICETABLEINVOICEE1234] - invoice table for a specific invoicee, specify the invoicee Id number.

[UPSELLTABLE] - table with all upsell items

[UPSELLTABLEVAT] - table with all upsell items with vat information and vat summary

[UPSELLTABLENOREFUND] - table with all upsell items except refundable items

6.2.2 Custom Invoice Table

You have the option to create a custom invoice table. Available content variables are:

AMO - shows the net value (price x quantity)

CEX - charges excluded (charges will not be shown)

CON - currency conversion. Example: CONEURUSD will convert the first currency (Euros) to the second currency (USD). CON1.234 would multiply the prices by 1.234

CUA - currency symbol showing after the numbers. Example: CUA€ will show € after the figures

CUB - currency symbol showing before the numbers. Example: CUB€ will show € before the figures

DAT - adds a date column

DEC - Decimal points. Example: DEC, will show a comma as decimal point. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language

DP0 - no decimal places

DP1 - 1 decimal place

DP2 - 2 decimal places

DP3 - 3 decimal places

DP4 - 4 decimal places

GAT - sum for each column

GRP - Group Totals. Displays the same items as a total

GRT - Grand Total

INV - invoicee, add the invoicee number at the end. Example: INV20 to show invoicee number 20, INV0 will show items not assigned to an invoicee, INV-1 will show all items from the booking regardless of invoicee. You can combine INV[BOOKINGINVOICEEID]] to add the invoicee from the booking

LAN - language. Example LANDE will force the language to German

MUL - multiplier. Example: MUL1.2 will multiply all prices by 1.2

NIN - do not show invoice number and invoice date on locked invoices

NOC - charges will not be displayed but their vat values are still calculated for the vat summary (VAT)

NOP - payments will not be displayed

ONE - shows only items from the specified booking (not the booking group)

PAA - shows a column with payment amounts

PAY - shows payments

PEN - shows pending payments description

PPA - shows pending payments amount

PRI - shows prices in a column

QTY - shows quantity

SEX - status excluded. Calculate the balance of all invoice items except for the ones with these status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SEX status1,status2,status4 will not show items with this status.

SIN - status included. Calculate the balance of all invoice items with matching status, the status items can be a comma separated list. Example: SIN status1,status2,status4 will only show items with this status.

STA- shows staus

THO - thousands separator. THO. will show a dot as thousand separator. If nothing is set the system will use the default for the language

TOT - shows total amounts

VAA - shows VAT amounts

VAP - shows VAT percents

VAT - VAT summary

Connect the variables with an underscore.


[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA€] will create an invoice table with price and quantity in Euros.

[INVOICE:PAY_TOT_CEX] will create an invoice table which will only show payments.

[INVOICE:PRI_QTY_CUA_TOT_VAT_QTY_PAY_GRT_AMO_VAA] will create an invoice table with more information.

7 Invoicee Variables

[INVOICEEBALANCE] - invoice balance for unassigned invoice items.

[INVOICEEBALANCENUM] - invoice balance for unassigned invoice items displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEEBALANCE1234] - invoice balance for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number).

[INVOICEEBALANCENUM1234] - invoice balance for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number) displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEECHARGES] - invoice charges for unassigned invoice items.

[INVOICEECHARGESNUM] - invoice charges for unassigned invoice items displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEECHARGES1234] - invoice charges for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number).

[INVOICEECHARGESNUM1234] - invoice charges for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number) displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEEPAYMENTS] - invoice payments for unassigned invoice items.

[INVOICEEPAYMENTSNUM] - invoice payments for unassigned invoice items displayed with a decimal point and no thousands separator.

[INVOICEEPAYMENTS1234] - invoice payments for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number)

[INVOICEEPAYMENTSNUM1234] - invoice payments for invoice items assigned to invoicee 1234 (change 1234 to the required Invoicee Id number)

[INVOICEENAME] - name of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEECODE] - code of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEECURRENCY] - currency of the invoicee account the invoice is assigned to if it is not the property default or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE1] - template value 1 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE2] - template value 2 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE3] - template value 3 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE4] - template value 4 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE5] - template value 5 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE6] - template value 6 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE7] - template value 7 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

[INVOICEETEMPLATE8] - template value 8 of the invoice account the invoice is assigned to or blank

8 Guest Variables

[GUESTIDS] - comma separated list of guest Id's connected to the booking

[GUESTFLAGTEXTS] - comma separated list of flag text values for each guest (when not empty) connected to the booking

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